Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stinging Nettle

Did you know you can eat stinging nettle? That nettles contain the highest plant source of iron? It is an EXCELLENT source of vitamins, minerals and protein. It is literally a “super-food.” Forget all these designer capsules and energy drinks. Nettles are far more nutritious, and they are FREE!

I had no idea you could eat these things, I tried to avoid stinging nettle as much as possible, until our friends came to visit last weekend. We were walking our property and there was a big batch of stinging nettle, my girlfriend says "you should pick those and make lasagna with it"...what? lasagna with stinging nettle? She said its delicious and if I wasn't going to pick it that she would.

We picked our stinging nettle, soaked it overnight (just to make sure the stinging was gone). We boiled it, and tossed it with some butter, garlic and salt. I must say my friend was right, its delicious!

Some of the health benefits of eating nettle include:
stabilizing blood sugar; enhancing the operation of the circulatory, immune, endocrine, nervous, and urinary systems; reducing fatigue and exhaustion; reducing allergic and menopausal problems; and eliminating chronic headaches.

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