Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to shrink your plastic footprint

Like many of you I have my reusable non-plastic bags that I intend on using every time I go to the grocery store, yet somehow they are never in my car when I need them! I have put an end to that by making a point to return the bags to my car after unloading the groceries. That started a brand new problem. I found myself standing at the cashier and watching those ahead of me using plastic bags and realized I had forgotten mine in the car. Needless to say I’d run out and grab them just in time. I have noticed that some grocery stores are even giving you a savings if you bring in your own bags or giving free reusable bags for every $25 you spend. I went home with 6 bags one day! So if you are like many people who have a large collection of plastic bags under their sink being reused as garbage bags only to end up in the trash....have you ever thought of what happens to them after?

Producing plastic bags has a significant impact on the environment. They are made of polyethylene, a product of oil which is typically obtained from Saudi Arabia, Singapore or Japan. An estimated 100 billion plastic bags are used every year in the US and an additional 17 billion in the UK which require about 102 billion barrels of oil to produce. You might be thinking, that’s fine, I recycle! Unfortunately it is actually not as environmentally friendly as it appears to be. That triangle of arrows that appears on products doesn’t always mean endless reuse: it identifies which type of plastic the item is made from. Of the seven different plastics in common use, only two of them- PET (labelled with #1 inside the triangle and used in soda bottles) and HDPE (labelled with #2 inside the triangle and used in milk jugs) have much of an aftermarket. It all brings me back to that producing so much plastic is absurd.

While traveling to Thailand, my husband and I witnessed the unimaginable! Small boats packed high with garbage bags traveling into the middle of the ocean, to do what I asked? We were told by any locals that they would dispose of the trash from the resorts into the sea! This is crazy I thought. How could they be polluting this gorgeous ocean they were so lucky to have. It made me realize that these people weren’t educated on the harm they were doing to the oceans and beaches of their home. We talked to local scuba diving schools who told us they would take their staff and voluntarily clean the ocean floor. They would spend days removing garbage so it wouldn’t negatively affect the sea life. How much I wanted to stay until it was all removed but they said it is astounding how much garbage they find.

Some of the most obvious victims are the dead seabirds that have been washing ashore in startling numbers, their bodies packed with plastic: things like bottle caps, cigarette lighters, tampon applicators, and colored scraps that, to a foreign bird, resemble baitfish. Most plastic is not biodegradable. Unless removed, they will remain in the sea for hundreds of years, breaking up into ever-smaller particles. British Scientists discovered that microscopic pieces of plastic can be found everywhere in the oceans, even inside plankton, the keystone of the marine food chain. It is not only birds that are affected by our waste, all sea creatures are threatened by floating plastic, from whales down to zooplankton. A famous picture of a sea turtle with a plastic band strangling its shell into an hourglass shape; a humpback towing plastic nets that cut into its flesh and make it impossible for the animal to hunt. More than a million seabirds, 100,000 marine mammals, and countless fish die in the North Pacific each year, either from mistakenly eating this junk or from being ensnared in it and drowning.

I have a beautiful river running through my backyard where my husband and I have picked out yards of plastic making its way down to the ocean. That water bottle and polystyrene cup you saw floating in the creek, if it doesn’t get picked up, it will be washed out to sea. Once there it will go to the Garbage Patch, one of five such high-pressure zones in the oceans, the South Pacific, the North and South Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean. Together these areas cover 40 percent of the sea, a quarter of the earth’s surface! So 25 percent of our planet is a toilet that never flushes!

Sure plastic has its benefits, no one would deny that. It has given us bulletproof vests, credit cards, slinky spandex pants (what would the 80’s be without them!), breakthroughs in medicine, and computer science. How many of you own a Kleancanteen or some sort of reusable canteen? I think I have 4 and yet it took me some time to get used to the idea of filling it with water instead of buying a case of bottled water. Or how about filtering your tap water or using a Brita? Here are some of the problems associated with plastic bottles:

We will buy an estimated 25 billion single-serving, plastic water bottles this year. 8 out of 10 (22 billion) will end up in a landfill.
(Container »»Recycling Institute)

Bottled water is a waste of money. Consumers spend an estimated $7 billion on bottled water in the US each year.

Worldwide 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water each year.
(One world)

1.5 million barrels of oil is used annually to produce plastic water bottles for America alone, enough to fuel some 100,000 US cars for a year
(Earth Policy Institute)

Imagine a water bottle filled a quarter of the way up with oil. That`s about how much oil was needed to produce the bottle.
(National Geographic)

The bottled water you purchase is often in #1 PET or PETE bottles (polyethylene terephthalate), which may leach DEHA, a known carcinogen, if used more than once (mothering.com)

Along with plastic bags, plastic bottles are one of the most prevalent sources of pollution found on our beaches.

Never burn plastic-you are producing some of the most toxic gases known!

Maybe now you will make more effort to keep your bags in the car, buy a Brita or put a filter on your tap. Next time you are at the store and the cashier puts your one or two items into a bag say “NO” to the plastic bag. I find it absurd when I see people accepting the bag for their one item! Think twice before taking that bag, there has been numerous times when I have said “No thanks, I don’t need a bag”, I seldom wonder why they even put it in the bag to begin with, do we really need it? I hope I taught you all a little something about the harm that plastic causes to not only humans but to helpless animals and our planet. Momma taught us better, I know we can do better than this!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Smelling Good comes at a Price

Do you love the smell of your laundry when it first comes out? As a child I would get my mum to bury me in the warmth of freshly cleaned sheets. Little did I know that wonderful smell I grew to love was actually not so wonderful. Do you use fabric softener? Will you not start the dryer until you throw in a Bounce sheet? Do you know what are in these products? Why do they smell so good? How does it get your sheets silky soft? Let me tell you the truth about these products and some healthier alternative options.

If I told you dryer sheets use beef fat “tallow” to get your clothes soft would you believe me? I had no idea myself but yes it’s true! Beef fat coats your clothing to give it that silky softness. If I told you that distilled white vinegar did the same thing would you believe me? Try it because yes it works. Put about half a cup of distilled white vinegar where you would normally put your fabric softener and see how your clothing comes out....silky smooth! With No Beef Fat! Try adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your white vinegar to add a wonderful natural smell. Lavender is one of my favorites! ! Another way is to add a quarter cup of baking soda to wash cycle to soften fabric.

In your dryer sheets to hide the chemical smell, companies load them full of chemical fragrances which are potentially carcinogenic. The chemicals on the dryer sheets slowly get released throughout the day. These chemicals and toxins enter the body through inhalation or by being absorbed through the skin. It is assumed that these chemicals don’t penetrate the skin so therefore don’t pose a health risk..this is FALSE. Think about it, Nicotine patches, how do they work? They release chemicals into your bloodstream through your skin! Same works for the chemicals on your clothing.

Some alternatives would be those spiky green balls. They work to separate the clothing allowing more airflow and cut your drying time by 25 percent which saves energy!
The best thing you could do for yourself, your clothes and the environment would be to air dry them. So those of you who live in a climate where you can hang your clothes, why are you not taking advantage of this?!

I have the green dryer balls, the Method dryer cloths and the echoclean dryer sheets. Method is a great company that carries many natural cleaning agents for your Eco home. Method products are readily available at stores like Safeway, London Drugs and for those American readers Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. The Method dryer sheets can be re-used as dust cloths, an extra bonus!

Next time you go to grab your Bounce or Downy think about opting for one of these alternative options. Is the static problem and fabric softness worth sacrificing your health?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Down and Dirty on Composting

Composting has been around forever. As a young girl I can recall carrying out our organic waste from the kitchen to our compost pile in the back yard. This compost later got used in our vegetable garden to improve soil structure, its fertility, aeration, ability to hold moisture and there was no need for commercial fertilizers. Composting is an inexpensive alternative method of dealing with waste. About one third of the space in landfills is taken up with organic waste from our yards and kitchens. This waste can help your garden grow instead of emitting greenhouse gases and conserve existing landfill space. Composting converts plant and other organic wastes into a loose, peat like humus which provides nutrients to growing plants.Whether you compost to reduce the amount of waste that goes to the landfill or to benefit your soil and garden…either one is an honorable mission.

Good – Beautiful Browns are dry, carbon-rich organic materials which include dry leaves, straw/hay, wood chips, sawdust, napkins, dryer lint, and vacuum cleanings. Gorgeous Greens are fresh, moist, nitrogen-rich materials which include grass cuttings, fruit and vegetable peelings/scraps, tea bags, pasta, coffee grounds, stale bread and eggshells.

Bad – Don’t put the following materials in your compost pile: meat, fish, bones, fats and oils, dairy products, weeds that have gone to seed, pet manure or kitty litter.

Composting will be discussed in further detail in future posts. We will talk about how to start a compost and its benefits when starting your own organic garden.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Big GMO Cover-Up

Six years ago, Americans began eating genetically engineered food. Surprised? That's because no one told you. While other countries require mandatory labeling of these food ingredients, our FDA has decided we don't need to know.

Genetic modification (GM) occurs where the genetic material of an organism (either DNA or RNA) is altered by use of a method that does not occur in nature and the modification can be replicated and/or transferred to other cells or organisms.

Please learn all you can on this incredible threat to life as we know it, and do your bit to stop it.

At least find out which foods have GMOs and boycott (stop buying) them.

Please CLICK HERE to learn more about GMOs (the silent killer)

Alphabet Art

For those urban mommies who are craving something a little more modern than the standard alphabet art, the talented Erin Gilmore brings you the Alphabet Project. I just loved this idea and needed to share it with you.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wheatgrass...tastes like dirt but it works wonders!

I got introduced to wheatgrass at a very young age. My parents used to grow it in our kitchen and every morning we would cut a chunk of wheatgrass and put it through the wheatgrass juicer. I got to tell you every time I drank this I had to plug my nose, not the best tasting stuff although some people actually enjoy it...not me! I recall one day I took more then I was accustomed to and it made me quite nauseaous, so start with an ounce and you should be fine.

Wheatgrass is one of the rare foods that can give the human body every known nutrient that is needed for living. Do you pound back an energy drink to get you through that 3pm crash? No more need for those sugar packed so called “energy drinks”, one shot of wheatgrass boosts your energy levels in a safe and natural way and improves the function of your immune system.

Wheatgrass is 70 percent Chlorophyll which is the basis of all plant life. Chlorophyll purifies the blood and science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of harmful bacteria. Wheatgrass is known for its extraordinary ability to detoxify and drastically reduce the parts per million of pollutants that have made their way into our bodies, such as pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals, and crystallized acids. Wheatgrass juice contains multiple vitamins (Choline) which helps to control cholesterol and fat build up, (Vitamin A) which helps bone growth, Vitamin B, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,and many other. Some of the benefits of Wheatgrass are discovered as it helps to purify the liver, it improves blood sugar problems, it slows the aging process, whitens teeth and because it controls your appetite is excellent for weight loss.

Wheatgrass helps the digestion system, prevents tooth decay, it freshens breath, it softens and soothes skin when it is placed in bath water. Dr. Ann Wigmore helped people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass. Who would have ever thought that a tangy green juice could do all that.

Wheatgrass is easy to grow in your own home. Look for organic wheat berries and grow them in a light, rich soil using high minerals, with sea kelp as food. This will ensure you receive a multitude of minerals in your homegrown wheatgrass. So next time you go to Jamba or Jugo Juice try a shot of wheatgrass and let me know what you think.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Gettin Down With Superfoods

Superfoods…sure we have all heard about bananas, blueberries, and tomatoes and then there are your tropical superfoods like papaya, pineapple and acai berries. Have you ever heard of goji berries, and mangosteen? Imagine a superfood -- not a drug -- powerful enough to help you lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and, for an added bonus, put you in a better mood. Did we mention that there are no side effects? You'd surely stock up on a lifetime supply. Guess what? These life-altering superfoods are available right now in your local supermarket. Here are some of my favorite superfoods.

Goji Berry
Often called the most nutrient-dense food on earth. Everyone knows that blueberries are high is antioxidants, they measure at 6,220, the goji berry measure in the 17,000 range! Wow that is one amazing berry. It also has one of the highest energy ratings ever recorded at 355,000 Bovis, human’s measure in at 6,500 Bovis. Ladies listen up… For 1,000’s of years Goji berries have been consumed by the Tibetan Himalayan people for their anti-aging properties. They contain more essential components of complete protein than wheat. You eat your grapes or spinach as a source of iron; Goji berries iron content is 20 times higher. Oranges contain vitamin C, while goji’s contain more vitamin C by weight than oranges and are packed with B1, B2 and B6. It’s also a great source of essential fatty acids. There are people undergoing chemotherapy benefit from goji berries ability to double white blood cell count and triple T cell count due to their polysaccharide content.
Bottom line is: About 30 berries (a handful) taken each day can help achieve great heath benefits such as, replenish vitality, enhance visual acuity, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, protect liver function, burn fat, strengthen bones and muscles and supply the heart with energy. A little secret …it also helps with impotence.

Not to be confused with mangoes. This tropical fruit doesn’t taste or look like mangoes. Do you suffer from Arthritis or joint pains? Mangosteen is recognized for its anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine effects, which can help people prevent many disease systems and generally stimulates the immune system. Mangosteen fruit has been said to be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. It helps fend off all of these conditions in our bodies. This tropical fruit is also recognized as one of the greatest natural source of xanthones, a family of powerful antioxidants. In addition to cultivation of fresh mangosteens, several companies have launched production of mangosteen juice, which has a longer shelf-life than fresh mangosteens and is easier to export internationally. Find in your local health food store. Be aware of online knock offs!

I spent 2 months in Thailand where I would sit on the beach and eat fresh mangoes all day. Little did I know the health benefits that went along with this amazing fruit. This aromatic, sweet-flavored tropical fruit not only tastes delicious, it is a source of extremely powerful, protective antioxidants and a variety of phytochemicals and nutrients that qualify it as a superfood.They are a good source of vitamins A, C, E and B6 as well as copper, niacin, and folic acid. People who suffer from cramps and stress, Mangoes are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium. Mangoes are a good source of fiber and contain enzymes that aid indigestion. It protects against cancer, infectious disease, and intestinal disease and has even been proven to destroy viruses in clinical test tube experiments.

Seeds of the plant cannabis sativa, hemp seed, contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs. Hemp seed provides a rich source of chlorophyll to alkalize your body. It is also one of the most sustainable crops available. These can be added to your daily routine-simply sprinkle some on your cereal, yogurt or salad or do what I do and blend them into your daily smoothie!

Ever wonder why your pee smells like asparagus after eating it? I like to call this “aspara-pee”. Asparagus is a superior alkalizing vegetable, asparagus has the ability to quickly change the pH of the body resulting in “aspara-pee”. At just 20 calories in six spears, asparagus is a good source of folate, beta carotene and potassium. Asparagus is also a powerful antioxidant. It is also rich in folic acid and vitamin C. So next time you substitute your asparagas for something else, think twice…aspara-pee isn’t that bad, is it?

Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C. Note that the darker they are, the more anti-oxidants they have. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory but not as anti-inflammatory as cherries.

Not just an aphrodisiac…which men wish was true! Chocolate possesses amazing qualities and properties found in its most natural and unprocessed form. Raw chocolate in particular contains an impressive list of approximately 1,200 valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals, some of which come in significant quantities as well.

Watercress is a better source gram for gram of vitamins C, B1, B6, K and E, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc than apples, broccoli and tomatoes.. Only raw broccoli has more vitamin C and magnesium.

Although these and other superfoods have the capacity of being great health enhancers, always research your sources and eat organic, local food whenever possible.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Down and Dirty...The truth about Organic

So has Organic become the IT thing? What does Organic mean? Does living an Organic lifestyle really make a difference? Organic diets, organic fabrics, organic meats, and organic cotton....what does it really all mean? Is it just a trend? I don’t think so and I will tell you why you should start living an Organic lifestyle.

So, why organic and will it make a difference?

Organic means no preservatives, no added chemicals, fertilizers, coloring or additives and is not genetically modified. With regards to meat, the animals are breed without any antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic Cotton- Besides helping the environment by not using toxic pesticides or fertilizers, working environments are better for those on farms and small-scale farmers save money by not having to buy large amount of pesticides. Not to mention that organic cotton products are softer and easier on your skin.

What are the benefits to an organic diet?

1. Organic food contains lower levels of pesticides - Up to 70% of pesticides which appear in conventional food are banned in the production of organic food.

2. Organic food does not have any synthetic additives- They do not have artificial food colors and flavors, preservatives, nitrates and sulphites, artificial sweeteners or monosodium glutamate (MSG). Food is preserved and sweetened naturally using substances such a honey and grape juice.
3. Organic food has significantly higher levels of nutrients - Depending on the choice of produce, organic food is shown to have higher amounts of salicylic acid and more Vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.

4. Organic farming excludes the use of chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth hormones and antibiotics in animal feed. In a lot of cases, antibiotics or growth hormones are injected into cattle to make them larger, fatter and hence deliver more meat. In organically reared cattle, they are allowed to grow and develop at their own pace, and without any synthetics injected into their system.

5. Organic food is free of Genetically Engineered (GE) ingredients - Organic farmers do not use GE seeds or irradiation methods. Instead crop rotation and use of natural compost produces a richer soil in which to grown and harvest their produce.

6. Organic is also connected to concepts of sustainability and environmentally conscious practices. Organic meat such as chickens, turkeys or cows for example, should always be "free range." Free range refers to animals which are raised in humane and natural conditions. There is a high occurrence of disease that arises in confined quarters like chicken coops, which in turn lead to use of antibiotics. Free range allows for the use of only organic feed to nurture the animals.

So is organic better? In my opinion, yes. Decreasing one's toxin burden and increasing one's intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can have a significant impact on health, especially when trying to improve or restore health. Not to mention the impact is has on the environment, reducing our need and use of pesticides will help our water, air, and so


So what am I doing?? This is what I keep asking myself...will anyone read this or is it a waste of time? Time will only tell.

A little about why I started this blog.

1) I grew up a Vegetarian and spending many hours in heath food stores eating sugar free gummy bears, all natural yogurt, organic veggies, wheat grass (Yuck!) and of course my favorite apple juice soaked cereal (when my family decided to become Vegan, which didn't last long)

2) Moving from the city to the country, learning to live off the land and appreciate what the earth provides us

3) Marrying a very Eco friendly man who's dream is to live 100% off the land with no carbon foot print

4) Our planet...and how quickly humans are destroying it. Hoping that I can teach people the importance of your everyday choices and how YOU can make a difference, not only will this help preserve our beautiful planet but also maintain a healthy lifestyle

5) Finally because it makes me feel good!

I will blog about consumption, lifestyle, home, food, parenting and much much more. Stay tuned...this should be an interesting adventure. Thank you for your support and pass on the useful information you learn from this blog.