Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Smelling Good comes at a Price

Do you love the smell of your laundry when it first comes out? As a child I would get my mum to bury me in the warmth of freshly cleaned sheets. Little did I know that wonderful smell I grew to love was actually not so wonderful. Do you use fabric softener? Will you not start the dryer until you throw in a Bounce sheet? Do you know what are in these products? Why do they smell so good? How does it get your sheets silky soft? Let me tell you the truth about these products and some healthier alternative options.

If I told you dryer sheets use beef fat “tallow” to get your clothes soft would you believe me? I had no idea myself but yes it’s true! Beef fat coats your clothing to give it that silky softness. If I told you that distilled white vinegar did the same thing would you believe me? Try it because yes it works. Put about half a cup of distilled white vinegar where you would normally put your fabric softener and see how your clothing comes out....silky smooth! With No Beef Fat! Try adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your white vinegar to add a wonderful natural smell. Lavender is one of my favorites! ! Another way is to add a quarter cup of baking soda to wash cycle to soften fabric.

In your dryer sheets to hide the chemical smell, companies load them full of chemical fragrances which are potentially carcinogenic. The chemicals on the dryer sheets slowly get released throughout the day. These chemicals and toxins enter the body through inhalation or by being absorbed through the skin. It is assumed that these chemicals don’t penetrate the skin so therefore don’t pose a health risk..this is FALSE. Think about it, Nicotine patches, how do they work? They release chemicals into your bloodstream through your skin! Same works for the chemicals on your clothing.

Some alternatives would be those spiky green balls. They work to separate the clothing allowing more airflow and cut your drying time by 25 percent which saves energy!
The best thing you could do for yourself, your clothes and the environment would be to air dry them. So those of you who live in a climate where you can hang your clothes, why are you not taking advantage of this?!

I have the green dryer balls, the Method dryer cloths and the echoclean dryer sheets. Method is a great company that carries many natural cleaning agents for your Eco home. Method products are readily available at stores like Safeway, London Drugs and for those American readers Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. The Method dryer sheets can be re-used as dust cloths, an extra bonus!

Next time you go to grab your Bounce or Downy think about opting for one of these alternative options. Is the static problem and fabric softness worth sacrificing your health?

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