Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Green Garmento

I got to wondering what happens to all those plastic bags from the dry cleaners? I don't dry clean many items but there are dry cleaners all over the country and they are filled with one time use plastic bags. I did a little research and found out that over 300 million pounds of single-use plastic dry-cleaning bags are dumped into the landfill each year!

I saw this product and thought it was a brilliant idea. Its a hanging laundry hamper, a duffel bag and a garment bag! The best part is you can use it over and over again. It is made of 100% recyclable polypropylene, each bag comes with an outside ticket pocket so the dry cleaners can easily identify your bag, don't you hate it when your clothes go missing!

Get yours today at Green Garmento. Comes in three different lengths (40"/48"/54") one bag will cost you around $10.

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific idea Tania. Just started reading your entries and I am very impressed
